2021-02-25      阅读次数: 4670

基本信息:姓名:毛武涛,职称:副教授,学历:博士,部门:资源环境与清洁能源研究中心,Emial: maowutao@126.com

个人简介:毛武涛,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,江苏省“高安全动力与储能电池”高校优秀科技创新团队骨干,常州市“高安全动力与储能电池”重点实验室副主任。2013年毕业于天津大学,化学专业,取得理学博士学位。从事二次电池关键材料开发研究。参与创办东储泰能(江苏)能源科技有限公司,主导建成10 MWh中试示范线,应用于风光及电网等配套储能。先后承担江苏省自然科学基金等省部级项目2项、横向课题5项,发表SCI论文37篇,授权发明专利10件,转让2件。指导研究生获“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛省级三等奖。已培养硕士研究生4名,在读6名。


1. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,基于WO3-x纳米催化剂的设计合成及在CO2转化中的应用研究,2020.07-2023.06,主持。


1.  Mao, Wutao1; Ding, Yming1; Li, M.; Ma, C.; Gong, H.; Pan, J.; Zhang, S.; Qian, Y.; Bao, K.*, Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of 2D SnS2/RGO as anode material in sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021,855, 157209.

2.Mao, Wutao*; Ma, C.; Ni, P.; Li, M.; Ding, Y.; Zhang, S.; Pan, J.; Cao, F.; Bao, K.*, One‐Pot Fabrication of Crumpled N‐Doped Graphene Anchored with Cobalt for High‐Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries. ChemElectroChem 2020,7 (7), 1733-1738.

3.Mao, Wutao*; Zhang, S.; Cao, F.; Pan, J.; Ding, Y.; Ma, C.; Li, M.; Hou, Z.; Bao, K.*; Qian, Y., Synthesis of NaTi2(PO4)3@C microspheres by an in situ process and their electrochemical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020,842, 155300.

4.Bao, K.; Zhang, S.; Ni, P.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, K.; Wang, L.; Sun, L. X.; Mao, Wutao*; Zhou, Q.; Qian, Y., Convenient fabrication of carbon doped WO3−x ultrathin nanosheets for photocatalytic aerobic oxidation of amines. Catalysis Today 2020,340, 311-317.

5.Mao, Wutao; Zhang, S.; Ding, Y.; Ni, P.; Zhang, Z.; Li, M.; Ma, C.; Bao, K., Large-scale preparation and electrochemical characterization of NaTi2(PO4)3/C composite nanoparticles as anode materials in sodium ion batteries. Materials Express 2020,10 (5), 680-686.

6.Keyan Bao; Zixiang Zhang; Ping Ni; Shaojie Zhang; Kailong Zhang;Lixia Sun;Zhongcheng Song; Wutao Mao*; Quanfa Zhou; Liangbiao Wang ; YitaiQian, Science of Advanced Materials, 2019, 6:386~391.

7. Wutao Mao, Kecheng Liu, Ge Guo, Guangyin Liu, Keyan Bao*, Jiali Guo,Min Hua, Weibo Wang, Beibei Li, Kailong Zhang, Yitai QianPreparation and Electrochemical Performance of Ti2Nb10O29/AgComposite as Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batter. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 53, 396–402.

8.  Keyan Bao§, Wutao Mao§, Guangyin Liu1, Liqun Ye1, Haiquan Xie1, Shufang Ji2, Dingsheng Wang, Chen Chen*, Yadong Li, Nano Research2017, 10 (6) :1903-1911.

9. Wutao Mao, Zhengdao Li, Keyan Bao*, Kaijun Zhang, Weibo Wang, Beibei Li. Ceramics International, 2017, 43, 6822-6830.

10.  Wutao MaoKeyan Bao*, FengpuCao, Baokuan Chen, Guangyin Liu, Synthesis of CoTiO3/BiOBr heterojunction composite with enhanced photocatalytic performance, Ceramics International, 2017, 43, 3363-3368.

11. Chunqiu Han, Wutao Mao*Keyan Bao*, Haiquan Xie,Zhuoya Jia, Liqun Ye*International journal o f hydrogen energy2017, 42, 19913-19919.
